The Complete Putz House Builder’s Toolbox

Putz House Builder


You will use many materials as you make a putz house. Scissors come in handy for rough cutting and finish cutting.

8″ pair of scissors  – these are great for rough cutting. I use them to cut out sections of the pattern before fixing them to the paperboard. Also, I like them when I cut vellum for windows.

Small craft scissors  – these work well if you are cutting finely detailed pieces. As I have become more experienced I find that I use my craft knife and metal ruler more often than small scissors. But it is a personal choice. 

Decorative Scissors – these are the workhorse cutting tool for decorative details. They are great for cutting fences. The zigzag, wavy, and scallop patterns are used extensively in the modern/classic putz house designs.  

Craft Tray

Glitter, sand, flocking, or scatter, no matter what you use to finish your putz house it can be a mess.

The easiest way to contain the mess is to use a crafting tray. Crafting trays are also called glitter trays.

Bone Folder

A bone folder is an essential tool for any papercraft that does scoring and creasing. You will do a lot of both as you build a putz house village.

There are a large number of bone folders available today. I recommend the blah blah bone folder. Not only does it work well with paperboard, but it handles the full range of papercrafts. You can see how we made our selection in The 5 Best Bone Folders For Paper Crafts.

If you have never used a bone folder before, we cover the basics in How To Use A Bone Folder: 5 Skills Everyone Should Know.